Saturday, November 16, 2013

same old, same old

Not really sure what to say these days.  So it has been 4 months since my last post and nothing much has changed.  South Beach did not work for me...again.  For the past 4 months I have maintained the roller coaster of down a few pounds one week, up a few pounds the next.  It has gotten to be very depressing.

Life has gotten in the way is one excuse.  Between soccer, gymnastics, scouts, karate, work, family, there has not been much time for working out.  I am going to go back to the main excuse I have these days though, I am depressed and unmotivated to do anything.  I would much rather just curl up on the couch and not move.

Now that the excuses are out there, let's move on.  

The last few weeks have been somewhat better.  I did the advocare 24 day challenge.  I had 3 weeks consecutive weight loss!  That is the first time in a long time that has happened.  I was starting to get up in the morning and work out although I still wasn't making it to the gym much.  This past week I got sick though and the 24 day challenge ended.  I didn't think I ate all that bad but my water intake decreased and I was not getting up and working out.  I gained again!  I am trying not to beat myself up to much over that but it is hard to see the old trend return.  All I can picture is the 9.8lbs I lost during the challenge coming right back on.  Heck, 1.8 already did.  It won't be hard for the rest to join them.

So now to lay out my goals for this week:
1) Drink my water each day and log it on my app
2) Continue to record my intake of food on MFP
3) Hit my 10, 000 steps and 6 stairs on my fitbit daily.
4) Workout at least 4 times this week with at least 2 of them being at the gym.
5) Update the blog at the end of the week.

Here's to a positive week with pound losses and emotional gains!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fresh starts (again)

My weight loss journey has not been easy for a few years now. Tried many different diets and "life style" changes but have not kept them up consistently.  Recently I decided it was time to start fresh... Again.  
My husband and I joined a gym in February and started watching calories.  Over 3 months of inconsistencies I lost and gained 6 lbs. So we now are trying the South beach diet.  We are still on Phase 1 and I have not done well this week.  The husband thought it would be a nice test for the kids to have root beer floats for Father's Day  and I took the kids to the movies this morning.  Between the ice cream and the popcorn, I am curled on the couch with stomach cramps. 
Hopefully this back slide will be the motivation I need to keep eating right. 

As for the working out... Still not doing great there.  I am inconsistent with the working out and am not following through with it.  Here's to getting my energy back from this stomach thing and getting something done today.  So far this week I did yoga on Sunday, c25k on Monday, EWT in Monday and nothing else.  Today is Wednesday  and I need to do something today.  

My last area of week was is my water inane.  My goal is 90 oz of water a day. I am 28 so far today.  Gonna go chug some and see how I do. 

Weight as of last Sunday was 192.2